Two roads and one way. Part 1.

"Sam, that's me. Or Samantha which is my real name. Samantha Black. I'm 18, 7 long minutes older than my little brother Demon, or we're twins, but I prefer to call him little brother, he is after all younger.. And more childish. We are quite close and we can talk to each other about almost everything, of course we fight sometimes, so does all siblings. But he's like that "boy's best friend" I've always wanted, but because all guys are idiots here, I have not succeeded so well to find someone who is better than him.
Back to me again now, as I said, I'm Sam, I'm only 1.66 tall, thus quite short, but there's nothing wrong with that huh? I play the guitar.. Wow, tell me more.. No if I'm going to be a bit serious now.. I play the guitar but I'm terrible at singing, so now Demon is back into the picture again. We play music together. Mostly for fun. He sings and I play guitar.
In contrast to many other girls, I like to play football. Okay, playing football was a lie, I just like to kick a bit when I am bored.
I'm not very good at making new friends. I like the friends I already have. Why are new all the time? Half of them are usually fake. When I meet people I do not know I usually stand quietly and fiddling with my phone. I like to dress in open shirts. It is comfortable. I hate to wear a skirt, it is kind of the worst thing except war and dry cinnamon buns..
My family? Well.. I live with my mother, my father and Demon. My parents travel a lot so we are not seen very often.. My uncle is a bodyguard for a boy band, but there's nothing special.. I have no grandmothers or grandfathers. They died when I was little. I think that's all, see you."
- Come on, hurry! Skrek jag till Demon som gick 10 meter bakom mig, i sin egen lilla värld. Vi var påväg hem från skolan. Onsdag, mitten av helvetet..
- Why? Skrek han tillbaka och drog loss en blomma som växte ut från någon trädgård. Med en suck stannade jag och tittade bak på honom.
- I want to go home and you have the keys. Muttrade jag och blängde surt på honom. Han stannade upp, satte ner sin väska på marken och börjarade rota runder i den. Efter en stund fick han upp nycklarna och kastade dem till mig.
- Thank you. Mumlade jag och började gå hemmåt.

"Sam, yeah that's me. Or Samantha which is my real name. Samantha Black. I'm 18, 7 long minutes older than my little brother Demon, or we're twins, but I prefer to call him little brother, he is after all younger.. And more childish. We are quite close and we can talk to each other about almost everything, of course we fight sometimes, so does all siblings. But he's like that "boy's best friend" I've always wanted, but because all guys are idiots here, I have not succeeded so well to find someone who is better than him.
Back to me again now, as I said, I'm Sam, I'm only 1.66 tall, thus quite short, but there's nothing wrong with that huh? I play the guitar.. Wow, tell me more.. No if I'm going to be a bit serious now.. I play the guitar but I'm terrible at singing, so now Demon is back into the picture again. We play music together. Mostly for fun. He sings and I play guitar.
In contrast to many other girls, I like to play football. Okay, playing football was a lie, I just like to kick a bit when I am bored.
I'm not very good at making new friends. I like the friends I already have. Why are new all the time? Half of them are usually fake. When I meet people I do not know I usually stand quietly and fiddling with my phone. I like to dress in open shirts. It is comfortable.. I usually have lenses but sometimes I just can't cope .. Then I have my glasses. But I'm not a geek for that..
My family? Well.. I live with my mother, my father and Demon. My parents travel a lot so we are not seen very often.. My uncle is a bodyguard for a boy band, but there's nothing special.. I have no grandmothers or grandfathers. They died when I was little.
I think that's all,"

Just när jag ryckte upp ytterdörren ropade Sam på mig. 
- OH MY GOD, Demon! Look at this! Jag kastade väskan på golvet, drog av mig jackan och knöt upp skorna. Sedan gick jag snabbt ut i köket dör Sam stod med en lapp i handen. Hon viftade den framför mina ögon så jag blev alldeles yr.
- What is is? Sa jag och backade några steg.
- They travel around the world, we are going to live with Paul! Sa hon upprört och knycklade ihop lappen, hon slängde den i papperskorgen och sprang upp på sitt rum.
- Paul knows that?! Skrek jag efter henne och väntade otåligt på svar.
- No, We'll call him.. Hörde jag henne mumla från övervåningen.
- Don't tell me his number was on the patch? Med en suck satte jag mig på ett av trappstegen. Jag fick inget svar av Sam utan fem sekunder senare kom hon nerspringandes.
- Come on, we have to take it out of the trash. Sa hon och hoppades på ett bättre svar än, du ska göra det, inte jag. 
- Ok, come on. Sa jag och reste mig.
"Hello, I'm Damon Black and I'm 18 years old. I have a twin sister Samanth Black, she's only 7 minutes older than me but it feels like years sense I'm kind of childish sometimes. We have a great conection to each others sense we spend so much time together. We also play and sing together, nothing serious just for fun, she plays the guitar and I sing and sometimes play the mouth-organ. Oh my family right. I live with my father and mother togheter with Sam. We don't see our parents so often because they like to travel. And now more about me, woop woop. No but seriously, I'm about 5'7 feet, I have short black straight hair often hidden under a hat or a hoodie.
I have clearblue eyes. I usually wear tight jeans in some fun color with a big t-shirt over sometimes I wear hoodies and bowties to but that is an other story. I also have a elongation in my right ear, not that big tough only 4 mm. Oh I forgot to tell you that I wear fakeglasses, why? Why not?
I told you before that I was kind of childish, well that's only when I know people otherwise I'm really shy and blush for nothing. I can be still and so if I have to but I love to make people smile and so on.
I love music and drawing stuff but I also like to take pictures of things, most my friends and the nature. I'm skeating alot too.
I think that it was about it.".

- +441588095990. Sa jag snabbt innan jag släppte lappen på golvet.
- Gross. Mumlade Demon och knappade in nummret i sin mobil.
- I picked up the patch, then you call. Sa jag och hånlog åt honom. Han flinade och tryckte på 'ring'.
- Hello, is it Paul? Good, this is Demon, Simon's son. Remember me? Sa han och smålog lite. Yes that's me.. Well.. Our Mom and Dad travels around the world, I think. And they stood on a patch that you would take care of us. Did you know that?
- Ask him when he comes. Viskade jag. Demon nickade sakta medans han lyssnade på vad Paul sa.
- So you will come and pick up us? And then we'll go with you around the world, and a boyband, named One Direction.. Fun.. Very fun..

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